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Climate Conversations

Philip, our Seawilding volunteer coordinator, is running monthly "climate conversation" events at the Craignish village hall from March 2023.


What is it?

It is a series of talks, presentations and social events to do with issues surrounding the climate emergency, biodiversity collapse, rewilding, ocean health and Seawilding's marine habitat restoration projects. If you are a Seawilding volunteer, or want to be one, these events are a good opportunity to find out more. 


Watch the Craignish Community and Seawilding Facebook pages to find out more.


Must I live locally? 




The climate and biodiversity crises are perhaps the greatest ever challenges facing humanity. According to a wonderful book by Katherine Hayhoe called 'Saving Us', one of the best things we can do about this crisis is talk!

What do you need to know?

Nothing, it is a chance to share ideas, learn about the solutions, discuss involvements or just have a chat with no outcomes necessary. 



The first one is on Monday the 6th of March 2023 at Craignish Village Hall, with a get together each month on a Monday from then on. It is a just turn up on the day event. Details will be posted on the Craignish community facebook page


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