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Creating beautiful new seagrass meadows
Researching best practice
Empowering local communities
Working with schools
Training coastal communities
Increasing biodiversity

It costs £20 to plant a m2 of seagrass and 7p to buy a hatchery-raised native oyster for restoration


Seagrass (Zostera marina) is the ocean’s only flowering plant and provides a vital habitat for marine biodiversity as well as being an important carbon sink.  In the fight against climate change, restoring seagrass is now a top priority.


Native oysters clean water, removing pollutants and their reefs provide essential habitat for spawning fish. Our community-led project to restore these species to Loch Craignish and beyond, are leading the way in marine habitat restoration in the UK. Your contribution makes all this possible.

​In the last two years, Seawilding has planted approx. 1/3 hectare of seagrass and we are hopeful that in coming years, we will be able to expand on that delivery target exponentially not just in Loch Craignish where we have identified 80 hectares of potential seagrass restoration but also in other areas around Scotland. Our seagrass project trials different methodologies to research seagrass restoration at scale.  We share our learnings with other coastal community groups so that they can do the same. 


Our project is community-led - we are engaging and empowering locals in the battle for better, more sustainable management of inshore marine habitats. Your contribution makes this all possible.


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